Monday, August 8, 2011

how to knit a triangle check pattern

The triangle check pattern uses two colors and slipped stitches to create triangles in the knitted fabric in one color while having a background yarn in a different color. This pattern is one that only requires basic knitting knowledge but looks very impressive once you're done with your project.

Moderately Easy


Things You'll Need

  • Color A Yarn
  • Color B Yarn
  • Knitting Needles
    • 1
      Cast on a multiple of 6 stitches plus 3 extra stitches in the color B yarn. This means that you must use a number of 6 multiplied any number plus 3 extra stitches.
    • 2
      Knit row 1 using the color A yarn and using the following pattern: knit 1, then begin the repeating pattern of slipping 1 stitch, wrapping the yarn in the back, knitting 5 stitches. Repeat this pattern until you have 2 stitches left on the left hand needles then slip 1 stitch and knit the last stitch. In knitting abbreviation row 1 is: k1, *sl1 wyib, k5; rep from ** until 2 stitches remain, end sl1 wyib, k1.
    • 3
      Knit row 2 with the pattern of knitting the first stitch and then beginning the repeating pattern of slipping 1 stitch, wrapping the yarn in the front, and purling 5 stitches. Continue this pattern until 2 stitches remain on the left hand needle and then slip one stitch, wrapping the yarn in front and knitting the last stitch. In knitting abbreviation Row 2 is: k1, *sl1 wyif, p5*; rep from ** until 2 stitches remain, end sl1 wyif, k1
    • 4
      Knit the first 3 stitches of row 3 and then begin the pattern of slipping 3 stitches, wrapping the yarn in the back and knitting 3 stitches. Continue this pattern until the end of the row. Row 3: k3, *sl3 wyib, k3*; rep from **.
    • 5
      Switch to the color B yarn for row 4 and then knit the first 1 stitch, purl 2 stitches and then begin the pattern of slipping 3 stitches, wrapping the yarn in front, and purling 3 stitches. Repeat this pattern until there are 6 stitches remaining and slip 3 stitches, purl 2 stitches and knit the last stitch. Row 4 is: k1, p2, *sl3 wyif, p3*; rep from ** until 3 stitches remain, end sl3 wyif, p2, k1.
    • 6
      Switch to the color A yarn again and begin row 5 by knitting the first stitch, slipping 2 stitches and wrapping the yarn in the back. Then begin the pattern of knitting 3 stitches, slipping 3 stitches, wrapping the yarn in the back until there are 6 stitches left. End the row by knitting 3 stitches, slipping 2 stitches, wrapping the yarn in the back and knitting the last stitch. Row 5 is: k1, sl2 wyib, *k3, sl3 wyib*; rep from ** until 6 stitches remain, end k3, sl2 wyib, k1.
    • 7
      Knit row 6 by knitting the first stitch, slipping 2 stitches and wrapping the yarn in the front then being the pattern of purling 3 stitches, slipping 3 stitches, and wrapping the yarn in the front. Repeat this pattern until 6 stitches remain. Finish the row off by purling 3 stitches, slipping 2 stitches, wrapping the yarn in the front, and knitting the last stitch. Row six is: k1, sl2 wyif, *p3, sl3 wyif*; rep from ** until six stitches remain, end p3, sl2 wyif, k1.
    • 8
      Switch to the color B yarn and knit row 7 by knitting 4 stitches then beginning the pattern of slipping one stitch, wrapping the yarn in the back and knitting 5 stitches. Repeat this pattern until there are 5 stitches left and then slip 1 stitch and knit the last 4 stitches. Row 7 is: k4, *sl1 wyib, k5*; rep from ** until 5 stitches remain, end sl1 wyib, k4.
    • 9
      Knit the first stitch in row 8, purl 3 stitches, and begin the pattern of slipping 1 stitch and wrapping the yarn in the front, then knitting 5 stitches. Repeat this pattern until 5 stitches remain. With the last 5 stitches, slip on, wrapping the yarn in front, purl 3 stitches and knit the last stitch. Row 8 is: k1, p3, *sl1 wyif, p5*; rep from ** until 5 stitches remain, end sl1 wyif, p3, k1.
    • 10
      Repeat steps 2 through 9 until your project is the length you want then bind off.

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